Thursday, August 30, 2018

foxagandizeme: Trump tells bizarre lie, claims interview where he admitted firing Comey over Russia...


Donald Trump started the morning with a string of allegations, including accusing NBC and Lester Holt of “fudging my tape on Russia.” Which would appear to be a claim that Holt had somehow altered or edited the interview that he conducted with Trump on May 11, 2017, just after Trump fired James Comey. In that interview, Trump admitted that the reason for Comey’s firing was that he refused to halt the Russia investigation.

Trump: In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story. 

Since that interview, Trump has neither backed away from that statement nor made any public claim that Holt altered the interview. In fact, both Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani have adopted the “article two powers” defense, arguing that Trump can fire anyone he wants for any reason. Why Trump is now making a claim that Holt “fudged” the interview in some way isn’t clear. It’s even less clear why Trump would believe that Holt already “got caught” fudging the interview or that it “hurt [NBC] badly.”

It’s possible that somehow Trump has conflated together that interview with Lester Holt over confusion about contradictory statements from Michael Cohen’s lawyer, Lanny Davis. However, in recent days, Trump has showed no hesitation to drag unsupported conspiracy theories from the depths of the alt-Reich web directly into his tweets—such as yesterday’s claim that China had hacked into Hillary Clinton’s email. Trump may be surfacing some alt-Reich claim that technology for modifying what people appear to do or say in a video, so called “deep fakes” were used to make him appear to say that thing that … he said, and hasn’t denied saying for over a year.

That’s just a guess. Sometimes Donald Trump’s morning tweets are a growl of semi-articulate rage from the great orange Bulk. More often, they’re point by point recaps of whatever Steve Doocy is saying at the moment. Honestly, we should all be grateful that Fox apparently gives Trump some sort of direct feed. Otherwise, half his tweets would consist of numbers we should all dial to Buy Gold Now. But on other days, and with increasing frequency, Trump’s tweets appear to be coming from the level so far down the hole the rabbits have been left behind. This is one of those mornings. 

And the clearest message these fresh tweets deliver is: Trump is really, really afraid.

Just to be clear, Trump is going to continue his Orwellian gaslighting and doublespeak until Muller’s investigation, Congressional oversight under a Democratic Party led house and crack investigative journalism puts an end to it. An end to the endless lies.

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