from Tumblr
Tattoo done by Miryam Lumpini.
This is the first time I’ve seen color tattoos on dark skin that actually look vibrant and pigmented!!!!!
Once I was talking to a dark skinned lady who told me that she was jealous of my pasty skin because she wants color tattoos, which her artist said wasn’t possible with her skin tone. I sent her to mine, and he proceeded to go off about how dark skin accepts greens, yellows, and white beautifully, and that her previous artist just lacked the skills to use those 3 colors as highlights to make other colors pop more. If you are dark skinned and your tattoo artist says you can’t have bright colors, find a new one.
Re-blogged again for that added text!!!
“I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour,
if we will only tune in.”~George Washington Carver
(Photo © dramoor 2015 Maroon Lake, Aspen, Colorado)
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