from Tumblr
…»We never talked about men or clothes. It was always Marx, Lenin and revolution – real girls’ talk«…
[Nina Simone on Lorraine Hansberry]
Please know being your kindest doesn’t mean you have to allow people to treat you like shit. No one is allowed to treat you badly or speak badly about you and you should never let them. Sticking up for yourself is not being mean, that’s knowing your worth and enforcing it.
He’s been on PAID leave for 17 months. Left a bar and just walked behind a car and shot 13 times into the back windshield.
I’m reblogging this every time I see it.
A Syrian Muslim boy :) Those who fear Allah, are fearless.
I don’t know how to get the original shirt, but if you want to buy a similar shirt, click here to see it.
In every unique shape, size, tone, and hair type we come in.
His companies have gone bankrupt four times.
He wants to deport immigrants but his parents were German and Swedish illegal immigrants.
He disrespects women in the most humane way.
He disrespected our troops.
He accuses Mexicans of being rapists when he raped his ex-wife Ivana back in 1992.
More than nineteen companies have cut ties with him.
He wants to deport 11 million people which would be separating families and be a massive violation of human rights.
sorry to comment on a post but also neo-nazis & the KKK openly stated that he is “the only hope for white america” so if it isnt apparent there then youre probably a hopeless case
I wouldn’t consider that abusive, so much as it would be manipulative. But I’m not a professional and I obviously don’t k ow the entire story
Watch: Bill Nye’s graduation speech was as fiery and inspiring as you’d expect
Bill Nye is killing it!
You go Bill Nye. Four for you Bill Nye.
Bill Nye never fails me, i swear.
Oh ok i feel like tumblr would appreciate this one:
Today in my government class, the teacher had us take the popular online quiz that tells you which candidate shares your stance on popular issues (this one) so that you can vote correctly. He knows that a lot of us (seniors) are going to be of voting age by next fall and he wants us to make the right decision. However, for all 4 government classes he had that day, not a single person was getting matched with anyone other than Bernie Sanders. We go to a liberal arts high school in a very liberal city, but even kids who considered themselves ‘more neutral’–or even those who had Republican parents and influences–were getting Bernie. Our teacher had to go online and take the test as if he were a Republican just to make sure it wasn’t rigged. Sure enough, that time he got matched with Jeb Bush. 82 kids of varying interests and backgrounds were all matched with the same candidate. I feel proud knowing that Bernie seems to have made his policies with the interests of millennials in mind.
GRAPHIC: Debunking The ‘War On Police’
Conservative politicians and commentators are claiming that a recent spate of cop killings means police officers are being “hunted” thanks to the rhetoric of the Black Lives Matter movement, which criticizes racist policing. One cop even faked his own shooting amid the hubbub, triggering a city-wide manhunt. But despite the fearmongering headlines, the historical trend shows otherwise.
Good guy Bernie Sanders.
Pls vote 4 him
Love, the entire rest of the world.
I, as an American of the United States of America, would LOVE to vote for Bernie Sanders
I promise to Reblog every pro-Bernie post I see until election day. Every single one.
our first meme president
Bernie > Hillary
i can tell that the Democratic Party Establishment and their Wall Street owners are getting really afraid of Bernie Sanders, because the hit pieces are starting to come out.
Keep at it, Senator Sanders. You’re not the candidate we deserve, but you’re definitely the candidate we need.
Instead of “have a nice day,” I think I’ll start saying “have the day you deserve.” Ya know, let karma sort that shit out
I saw a news report about this on T.V., she was a straight A Student who had perfect attendance and everything. Everyone loved and respected her for her skills, but when she started this experiment and people thought she was pregnant, they started treating her like garbage. Even her teachers started looking down on her like she was scum of the earth. The only people who knew she was doing this as an experiment were her school principal, her health care teacher, her boyfriend, and her mother. Her own siblings thought she was pregnant!
I mean even her friends turned on her, it was horrid. Very very sad, and as soon as she revealed during an assembly that the pregnancy was false, a lot of people were in shock as she brought up all the horrible things they said and did to her because they thought she was pregnant.
The reason for the experiment was to see how people would react and treat her if they thought she was pregnant, as opposed as to treating her as the straight A “Perfect” student they usually did. And it proved that people were horrible scumbags to her as soon as they thought she was.holy shit. this is fucking awesome
I read this chick’s book! It was so cool.
Her book is The Pregnancy Project by Gaby Rodriguez
Pretty sure I reblogged something about this in the past, but now someone’s posted a book title and I want to read this book
I believe there’s a documentary of this on Netflix.
They made a lifetime movie about this also
Flowers float in the Mediterranean Sea in honor of migrants lost while making the perilous journey to Europe. Last night more than 80 Syrians and Palestinians refugees have drowned in the Mediterranean close to the Libyan shores trying to reach Europe.
السلام و الأمان على أطفالك يا شام .
Peace and safety for Syrian children .