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ppl are so interested in aliens but how would they expect to learn about cultures from different planets/solar systems if they can’t even accept different cultures on ya own damn planet from your own damn species
I want support for ugly girls and lazy girls and girls that can’t ever get their eyeliner right. I want feminism that includes girls who are too big or too black to be on body positive blogs.
I want girls with acne scars and girls who don’t “pass” and girls with facial hair. I want girls who are, in fact, man hating lesbians. I want poor girls.
I need the girls who never took a course in gender studies but who still know the way that society treats them is bullshit.
It doesn’t feel like a revolution when we’re only showing more of the same, when we only raise up the voices of some women.
I need to do better. We all need to do better.
Actually you’re not considered dead when your heart stops beating. This is why many medical professionals still try to revive those whose hearts have stopped. Because medicine and science has found that death is not considered when your heart as stopped, but once all brain activity has ceased. Which is why they usually have around six minutes before there is no chance to revive. Because when the heart has stopped, your brain cells are deprived of oxygen and start to die.
Fetuses do not have regular brain activity until 25 weeks. At this point in gestation the only time an abortion would be performed is out of medical necessity to save the mother’s life, or to spare the fetus from a short and painful life. These only make up 1% of all abortions. And therefore by this argument, but with the knowledge of what is actually classified as death, a fetus isn’t ‘alive’ until roughly 25 weeks. Far after 99% of abortions are performed.
Please do actual research before trying to use emotional manipulative photos of babies that are born and NOT fetusesbefore parading it out and believing it as fact. Because you are only seriously misinforming yourself, and many others and furthering contributing to a movement that tries to control women’s bodies, when what they do with it does not affect you.
If you are so adamant about helping lives, try doing things for those who are in need and are actually sentient beings. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, donate to an organization that helps feed hungry children, support adoption of older children who are in foster care and are more likely to age out. But this? This does nothing.
y’all……. the simpsons predicted a donald trump presidency back in 1999
why be racist sexist homophobic or transphobic when you could bE QUIET
You can meet someone tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known for years, time means nothing; character does.
there’s nearly 8 billion people in the world, don’t let someones shitty opinion get you down
stop hating on girls who wanna kiss people in museums or aquariums or art galleries stop hating on girls who want things that might be cliche stop hating on girls who want boys to treat them like they’re magic i will protect all girls with my life and just because they care about things that you don’t doesn’t give you the right to belittle them ok i will fight u
We were going to do a “Top 10 Awful Displays of Sexism on Fox News” video, but the clips just kept rolling in. Here are 70.
Burn fox news to the ground
That’s why y'all need to vote for Bernie
Watch: The reporter’s response really brings her point about sexism home
so yesterday i asked my mom if we could go to the movies and pretend to be famous so she was like okay and we saw trainwreck and we put on black leggins and sweatshirts and put the hoods up and then we had my brother come with us to be our *bodyguard* and one of my friends met us at the movies and like pretended to fangirl bc she was in on it and begged us for pictures and like 20 people after that took pictures with us and said how much of a fan they were im not even famous smh
for the last time
life is hard and i believe that being in a relationship should make life easier
if being in a relationship with someone makes my life harder
then it’s not worth it
Love how all the POC look 1000% done with this shit.
Halloween is edging closer every day, so this can serve as a timely reminder.
i like that they show the variation in each cultures group
mindofanisa ❤️She is my #cure In 2012 doctors said having a child would be a risk. In 2014 I took that risk, and it’s a risk that I get to enjoy every day. She is worth it.
This is so beautiful ❤️