Wednesday, April 29, 2015
"Living with an anxiety disorder is like experiencing that moment of panic when you miss a step..."
- (via c0nejita)
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niteskolar: Baltimore. North Ave and Pennsylvania Ave, 28 Apr...
ellewcee: I guess it’s just super weird to me that to some people, a few instances of violence...
I guess it’s just super weird to me that to some people, a few instances of violence during a protest is enough to delegitimize an entire movement, but piles of evidence showing sustained corruption and racism and literally hundreds of civilian deaths per year at the hands of the police is still not enough to delegitimize the police.
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Sunday, April 26, 2015
Women against feminism: Feminism is unnecessary, because I have never personally experienced sexism.
Me: I have excellent news for you!! We don't have to worry about global warming, because I felt cold today. World hunger is also over, you see, I just ate.
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liftedandgiftedd: thekatierodriguez:A relationship with no gender roles. We both hustle, we both...
A relationship with no gender roles. We both hustle, we both cook, we both clean, we both pay, we both spoil each other.
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livedbody: capaldicious:johnskylar:jenniferrpovey:ophiliae:cooki...
and we are still fighting over minimum wage
And america tries to act so high and mighty. America needs to sit down and learn a thing or two from these other countries.
I like the youth parliament idea, implemented at the local level. A youth county board, as it were. Give kids a say in their own community and they might actually be able to improve it.
I also think it might be an interesting idea for every school board to have a student representative, high school age.
Oh, I think I know the reason!
- Nearly everyone is white and everyone benefits from a history of colonialist exploitation
- Nearly everyone is white and everyone benefits from a history of colonialist exploitation
- Return to #1.
Plus they have a lot of refineries for Russian and Norse oil.
Literally these countries are SO white that they don’t even track the percentage of ethnic and racial minorities because the numbers are too small.
When you’re a monoculture it’s a hell of a lot easier to pretend your politics are about helping others, because everyone is like you.
I’m so tired of tumblr holding up Scandinavian countries as utopias.
Ex-fucking-cuse me.
“Nearly everyone is white and everyone benefits from a history of colonialist exploitation.”
Research wouldn’t hurt.
You might want to know that up until 1917, Finland was not a country of its own but fully under Russian rule. Before that, under Swedish rule. Before 1860, the year we were made mostly autonomous, we were basically a colony ourselves with no right to govern our own regions, collect our own taxes or have a say in Sweden’s or Russia’s politics. Our language and culture was looked down upon. The ethnically Finnish population was poor, oppressed and pretty much entirely without say in anything regarding our own country. Up until 1902 Finnish wasn’t even an official language in Finland, and even after that Russian was the official language of our parliament until we finally became independent.
And if you want some slavery and strife, of course there have been things like Isoviha: Russians invaded Finland (which belonged to Sweden at the time), slaughtered tons of Finns and shipped about 20 000 of us off to become slaves. For contrast, our population was only 350 000 at the time. The Swedes just sorta shrugged and went “Not our problem”, since, you know, we weren’t Swedes. Then Pikkuviha, another period of Russian invasion.
How about the first and second Sortokausi? Even the name means “era of oppression”. The Russians decided that Finland had it too well and started to forcefully suppress Finnish nationalist movements, shipping people off to Siberia, replacing Finnish officials with Russian ones, making Russian the only official language in Finland - basically trying to destroy the Finnish culture and fully integrate Finland into Russia.So I’d hardly say that we benefited from colonialist exploitation.
So yeah, sure, we’re white. But it doesn’t fucking matter because we never have lived in a country where whiteness was never of any benefit. In Finland (and most of Europe anyways) being oppressed has always had everything to do with your ethnicity instead of the colour of your skin. We never had a single colony, we never invaded a single country, slavery has always been illegal here - even when we were a part of Russia where slavery was common. Sure, we have less than 1% of PoC - but please tell me why the fuck does that matter? It didn’t save us from being a god damn colony.
And of course I left out shit like the eradication of our native religion but hey, we’re white so it doesn’t matter anyway right?
It must be lovely to sit on your high horse there in the USA and think you know a single thing about the racial and/or cultural dynamics in Europe. Just because the crackers of your precious country fucked up doesn’t mean that you get the right to shit on minorities (population of Finland: 5 000 000. Contrast that with the USA) and ignore the rapid developement of Finland from pretty much nothing, a country 100% dependent on agriculture and wood, to one of the world’s most educated, most liberal, most egalitarian and most technologically advanced countries in less than 100 years. And all of this without benefiting from “third-world” countries or colonies, without by wars or conquest, without by aggressive foreign policies. Unlike the fucking USA.
Fuck you & do your research.
someone tried to make this into a race issue oh my GOD
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karnythia: I can’t say anything coherent about the Rekia Boyd case except to point to it whenever...
I can’t say anything coherent about the Rekia Boyd case except to point to it whenever someone wants to know why people in Chicago don’t trust the cops or the prosecutors office. Off duty, tipsy, fired into a crowd, shot & killed a bystander & Servin was still only facing five years max if he had been convicted. That’s what Chicago justice looks like for a Black woman murdered by a police officer.
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Sunday, April 19, 2015
CNN: National Guard called Ferguson protestors 'enemy forces' and 'adversaries'
After analyzing thousands of pages of documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act, CNN’s Barbara Starr and Wes …
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keenypeach: queenxkimberly:queenxkimberly:ExactlyyyyyyyyyyyIma...
Ima reblog this everyday cause foh.
Like do you ever see Hindus blowing smoke rings around Mother Mary?? No. No you do not, because that is disrespectful as fuck and anyone with any respect for religion would understand that. Hinduism is a living, breathing religion with millions of followers and stuff like this tokenizes people’s beliefs. I’m through being understanding! Also, stop fucking tattooing om symbols on your skin unless you adhere and subscribe to the religion! it’s disrespectful! You wouldn’t respect or like someone tattooing a cross because it’s ~~~spiritual~~~ so fucking stoppppp tolerating when it’s another religion.
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shiporsink: lilkittygrl: you-can-call-me-carl: How come a girl can wear guys clothes and look...
How come a girl can wear guys clothes and look cute or wear a suit and look hot, but when a guy wears a dress or a skirt it’s weird?
because our society thinks it’s degrading to be feminine
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My gf and I had sex for the first time the other day and I noticed that she has stretch marks on her belly and thighs? I didn't say anything but I find them kind of weird to look out. My other gfs didn't have them so I guess I'm not used to it? Do I tell her I'm not feeling them and suggest how she can get rid of them or not?
"Don’t be selfish. If you do not love the way her hair curls at the ends or her nose wrinkles when..."
- Certain Days // E.E (via be-fearless-brave-and-kind)
(via nxppl)
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Saturday, April 18, 2015
mysharona1987:Note: just because you might decide you don’t need...
Note: just because you might decide you don’t need feminism, doesn’t mean another woman somewhere doesn’t.
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Leelah Alcorn has won.
Leelah’s Law has been acknowledged by the President, who will be discussing banning conversion therapies for gay and transgender men and women.
She won.
She fucking did it.SHE FUCKING DID IT>It makes me sad cause yea the law won, but I am so sad cause Leelah isn’t here anymore. Totally not over her death.
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Thursday, April 16, 2015
"When did loving yourself become so rare, that it’s revolutionary to do so?"
become so rare, that it’s
revolutionary to do so?”
- (via bl-ossomed)
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015
acutelesbian:A five year old at the gas station said he liked my “bat woman” tattoo excitedly. His...
A five year old at the gas station said he liked my “bat woman” tattoo excitedly. His father condescendingly asked how many I had. I told him I had 11. He scoffed and asked how waiting tables all my life sounded and I said, “it’s alright on the weekends, but throughout the week I’m your son’s teacher.” He walked out without another word.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015
hypersexualfangirl: file this under the shit-load of under...
file this under the shit-load of under appreciated people who you never learn about in school
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moahna:shoutout to all the kids having panic attacks in bathrooms because of oral presentations....
shoutout to all the kids having panic attacks in bathrooms because of oral presentations. shoutout to all the kids who struggle to eat in public. shoutout to all the kids who can’t get out of bed in the morning to go to school. shoutout to every single person who is struggling with a mental disorder and doing their best to live a normal life. you’re going to get through this.
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j0ye: thelilysparks: It’s amazing that people will see a kid yelled at or manhandled by a parent...
"I am unable to describe exactly what is the matter with me; now and then there are horrible fits of..."
- Vincent Van Gogh (via void-function)
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winterywitch: @my underage followers do not date anyone over 18. like it’s different if you’re 17...
@my underage followers do not date anyone over 18. like it’s different if you’re 17 and they’re barely 18 and you’ll both be 18 soon (given that you’ve been dating for a while of course)
but like example if you’re 15 and your partner just turned 18 like… that’s a big age difference. it’s just 3 years but the difference in maturity is HUGE. like i myself as a 15 y/o was nations away from where I am now as an 18 y/o
never let anyone tell you “love has no age”, and never bend to threats. your comfort zone matters and you deserve someone your own age. question why an 18+ year old would want to date a minor
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"You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done - but simply..."
- Max Lucado (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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Monday, April 13, 2015
how to treat yourself on a low budget
bc let’s be honest: not everyone can afford Lush products, here are some low budget ways to feel great
1. do u have a banana? awesome mash that shit in your hair, let it sit for 15 minutes then wash it out with cool water. now u got some silky tresses girl
2. u got some coconut or olive oil? fuckin rad dude, massage that shit anywhere u don’t feel super smooth!!!! including hair *woah*
3. target has some awesome face masks that are like 99¢ and are awesome 10/10 would recommend
4. make some Annie’s Mac n cheese holy shit that stuff is awesome
5. buy some cheap Epsom salts like really really cheep and dump that shit in a bath and soak u lovely motherfucker
6. make a smoothie and drink it bc yum and also not too expensive u don’t need organic food for a delicious smoothie
7. green tea is awesome bc it tastes great, speeds up ur metabolism, and if u put ur face over u brewing cuppa it opens up your pores anddddd if u put the tea bag over ur eyes it gets rid of those dark circles from staying up watching friends
8. open up spotify and play some cheesy music
9. drink a shit ton of water it’s great for u
10. that cucumber on ur eyes shit works guys
11. just take a nap
12. look up yoga for beginners and do a class and donT feel bad if u can’t do all the poses it’s meant to be fun
treat yourself nice my darlings love youfor anyone who needs this rn
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lezbeontalk: cigarette-daaydreams: levi-s-titties:Emotionally abusive people fucking suck because...
Emotionally abusive people fucking suck because they act like they’re the victims and that they’re the nicest person in the world. They make you feel like utter crap and make it nearly impossible for you to prove that you’re the actual victim.
F u c k i n g. T h i s.
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Saturday, April 11, 2015
"Be an encourager. The world has plenty of critics already."
- Dave Willis (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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Friday, April 10, 2015
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little-walnut: if this is true…think of how happy Leelah would...
if this is true…think of how happy Leelah would be if she read this.
Think about how much of an impact she had in just a few short months.This is progress.
Rest in peace Leelah.Rest in peace to everyone who didn’t get the chance to be themselves.
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Thursday, April 2, 2015
ruposhi: Why are people so mad at girls who are okay with themselves. Like damn do you know how...
Why are people so mad at girls who are okay with themselves. Like damn do you know how many problematic things I’ve had to unlearn? How much self-destructive shit I had to erase from my memory? Sit down with your talk of arrogance and conceit. Don’t patronize someone for feeling confident because you don’t know the process that went into building their self-esteem.
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"Your feelings are valid. You have every right to feel whatever emotion you want. You aren’t being..."
- I needed this. Thank you. (via for-ashleigh-danielle)
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